
Freelance graphic designer from BROOKLYN. Has a killer runway walk. Doesn't believe in jungles.


Retreats collected (1 of 130)

Reviews written (1)

If you're looking for a 'digital nomad' program definitely choose HP

If you're looking for a 'digital nomad' program definitely choose HP. I did tons of research and talked to participants of other work/travel programs and in the end, decided to join Hacker Paradise. I, without a doubt made the right decision. The program exceeded my expectations and really made me feel like I was apart of a community. HP is also super flexible which allows you to get what you want out of it. Some people are looking for professional development and networking, some are looking to travel for a short period of time and some want to start a new job/business/path. The flexibility in structure attract people from very diverse backgrounds. Most of all, the facilitators are amazing!!! I can't stay enough about how awesome they were--they truly made my experience worthwhile. I can't wait to join the group again.

8 years ago
