

Retreats collected (1 of 130)

Reviews written (1)

I was nervous on my way to meet the group in thailand

I was nervous on my way to meet the group in thailand. iโ€™m 37m, relatively xperienced traveller.. iโ€™d even been to thailand before, but i was nervous. i shouldn't have been!!

joe, ryan, mica.. they made us feel so welcome. this tour has more to it than just drinking around the country.. thereโ€™s mastermind classes that broaden your thinking, and they guided this so well. there was a great balance between fun, and group chats that make you think. grow even!

everyone became like family! we still keep in touch and laugh over jokes you had to be there to get. but the cool thing is, because we all work remote or want to work remote, weโ€™ve been able to help each other with ideas or connections. the network is one of the most valuable assets of the trip.

overall, if youโ€™re thinking about joining a tour but are a little unsure, i would say just do it! you may find just what youโ€™re looking for. at least youโ€™ll have fun with cool people. what more is there to life?!

a year ago

Flags collected (1 of 90)

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