

Retreats collected (1 of 130)

Reviews written (1)

Incredible community to work and travel with.

This was my first hp trip, and it was an incredible experience. the location (playa grande in guanacaste, costa rica) had some great chill beach vibes; accommodations were accurate to their description, and the group i traveled with was incredibly fun, incredibly diverse people. and the community facilitator (sam) was very attentive.my concern going into this was that the group would be made up of a bunch of people who wanted to party all day, but that was not the case. during the workday everyone was very much focused on work but on the weekends we had lots of group adventuresan intangible benefit of traveling with hp vs solo: a support network for when something unexpected happens. during the trip, someone's laptop charge broke... and within 15 minutes of posting it on slack, they had two people offer an extra charge for the rest of the trip, a recommendation on where to buy a new one in costa rica, and an offer to get a ride to the store.this was my first hp trip, but won't be my last.

6 months ago

Flags collected (1 of 90)

Crossed paths