Amazing Team, very interesting community
Amazing Team, very interesting community.
Highly recommended to connect with other people and get interesting opportunities.
Amazing Team, very interesting community.
Highly recommended to connect with other people and get interesting opportunities.
Had a wonderful day co-working with The Nomad Escape. The Mastermind session was a blast, extremely helpful and enlivening.
I got value and clarity from the first mastermind i was part of! I had an idea for a business that was not clear and during the retreat i was able to test it and define it. Thanks to the experience of the other participants and the exercises that we did i came out of the week with a clear business plan. Another aspect i loved is connecting with other digital nomads and expand my network of contacts and opportunities just by being part of this amazing community! Highly recommend to participate!
Ich habe bisher 2 Mindsetsession mit Nomad Escape gemacht. Einmal online und einmal im Estalagem in Ponta do Sol. Beide Male waren sehr gut angeleitet und es war sehr aufschlussreich. Man merkt die Leidenschaft dahinter.